Smart Construction Design
Feature highlights
Accurate models
A foundation of the modern job site. Accurate 3D models allow for improved visualization of the project in multidimensional form and is easily shared and updated as work progresses.

Digitize your jobsite
When you’re moving thousands of tons of earth, you need to know the data you have is correct and can be depended upon. Accurate 3D models move your operation closer to digital transformation.

Enable your intelligent machine fleet
A well prepared model assists in a more productive and efficient job site. Utilizing Komatsu Designs for your modeling will assist in optimizing your job site.
Bellamy Excavating, LLC has experienced the efficiency and quality of the Design Team firsthand. The help I have received has been proven accurate, efficient, and trustworthy in our daily operations.
-James Bellamy, Chief Manager, Bellamy Excavating, LLC
The opinions expressed here are those of the end user quoted, and the results described here are those of the end user under certain conditions. Your results may vary.
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